Saturday, March 24, 2007

11 Indian cricket idols desperately needed

india's favorite and richest sport has faced humiliation in the cricketing world's premier event, world cup 2007... checkout
i am one of those millions of disappointed fans of indian cricket in retrospection. it sounds extremely surprising that a country of > 1 billion people is unable to idenity and produce 11 cricketing masters to our team. if i have to number the reasons, there are plenty.
1. nepotism in our blood - from time immemorial, we indians are expected and sometimes even required to favor our kith, kin, friends, region, language, religion, etc. over talent and commitment. as long as the indian cricket selection committee doesn't make 'merit' as the one and only criterion for team selection, i am afraid, indian cricket is bound to disappoint millions.
2. lack of professionalism - is it possible to deliver each and every time you come on the field to play cricket? just look at australian and south african teams. they play like champions in any country and every time they play. doesn't matter whether the opposition is canada or india. whether the wicket is bouncy or flat. we indians are always depended on winning a toss, batting first, or one big player batting well, or the rain god and astrology to favor us to win against even the weaker teams like bangladesh.
3. team spirit - 11 cricketing 'individuals' won't necessarily make a winning team. what is required is for these 11 individuals to play as 'one unit' towards 'one goal' of winning for the country. this is tremendously lacking in our team. most players play to ensure a berth for themselves in the team.

what we need? it should be obvious from the above points that we truly need a
'meritorious professional passionate 11 cricketing masters playing together as a team'

how to get em? one possibility for bcci:
take a 2 step process 1. talent identification. 2. talent selection.
1. typically we have limited only to ranji trophy players and their performance to promote them to indian team. this is a problem coz not all talented players get to the ranji trophy levels due to nepotism. hence each year, it is important to conduct an extensive 'talent search' through out the country such as 'indian idol' for cricketing talent search. the talent search process should be transperent to public. this should aim to be a list of about 110 solid players. this can even be a tv program. of course, if we ask public to vote, they may again favor 'their own' over talent.
the details of how to organize this grand program needs to be thought out by bcci.
2. once we have a good pool of talented pool, we will need to organize them by ability... essentially, if we have 10 cricketers who can bat at number 1, we have 10 people to choose from for each of the 11 positions in cricket team. this will provide backup when we have virender sehwag out of form to be quickly replaced.

can a rich game like indian cricket afford to organize it this way or an improved version of it?

what do you say friends?
share your ideas about solutions to indian cricket here...


Raag said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. Principally, I am not going to talk or criticize anything about cricket. Hope to get some insights from you on several other topics.

Asmya said...

Someone said this on youtube about Pakistan Cricket which I think is apt for Indian cricket.

"Pakistani Cricket is like an adulterous wife", they will be good to u and seduce u certain times and u would get mesmerized. But when it matters, they would always turn back at u at the most important times."

Amit said...

First of all, hats off to you for thinking about ways to improve Indian Cricket team identification and selection.

Typically india is a democratic country and primarily leaders are chosen of the people, by the people, and for the people. I guess this is evident in Cricket selection as well.

By I like your fresh thoughts, the Focus on talent and commitment. I hope bcci would read your blog.